The Mulligan Project - Forever Beauty USA

The Mulligan Project

The Mulligan Project

The Mulligan Project is a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of children with disabilities in Central Vietnam. The organization provides special education, physical therapy and healthcare services to an underserved and overlooked generation of children.

dedicated to improving the lives of children with disabilities

On April 11, 2012, The Mulligan Project joyfully celebrated the opening ceremony of the The Dien Ban Day Center, a full-service special education school that transforms the lives of children with disabilities and their families.  Many of the children at The Dien Ban Day Center have Down Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy. One in ten children in Dien Ban is born with Down Syndrome. Dien Ban has over 1,000 children with disability, the majority of whom have no access to basic education.

The Dien Ban Day Center is the first of its kind in the region and addresses a critical gap. Many of the children at the Center have either never been in school or were rejected after failing their first year. If a child cannot succeed in the government school in Dien Ban, his or her choices become almost non existent.
The Dien Ban Day Center offers children with disabilities a tailored program where they can maximize their mental and physical potential. With our programs, the children are thriving. They matter. Children have learned to walk. Children have learned to read. These are major milestones they could not reach before The Dien Ban Day Center opened. We also work directly with the parents and offer them training regarding their special needs child.

Sponsor A Child

Your financial commitment provides a child with special education, physical therapy, speech therapy, a nutritious lunch, transportation and dental care.

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